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techniques naturopathie cannes


The techniques

The naturopath has a generalist dimension and uses natural techniques.

Some can be deepened depending on the skills or sensitivity of the naturopaths. I thus completed my training by perfecting myself on the one hand in the naturopathic massage in order to be able to act directly on the body, and on the other hand I became a consultant in Bach flowers to help the psycho-emotional sphere.

Zoom on the 10 families of natural techniques:

  • Bio nutrition and bio dietetics : food management for better energy, to relieve the immune system, to reduce fermentation, to soothe the digestive system and repair it, for weight loss, to revitalize or for detoxification etc. Food is a major and essential technique.

manger sain naturopathie cannes
bio diététique naturopathe cannes
bio nutrition naturopathe cannes
perte de poids naturopathe cannes
  • Management of the mind : stress management, relaxation, emotional management (Bach flowers), listening and helping relationship, etc. It is a major technique, especially in our current society.

  • Getting in motion : physical activities to promote the elimination of toxins and toxic substances, to reduce stress and its effects, get better oxygen, increase energy and fitness, improve physical qualities, increase morale etc. L Physical exercise is a major technique invited in all cures according to its intensity and type.

  • Hydrology : use of water locally or globally, action of hot and cold on relaxation, stimulation or elimination etc.

sauna naturopathe cannes
danse naturopathe cannes
yoga naturopathe cannes
  • Detox Massage : specific massages that act in detoxification, relaxation, stress management, improve morale, revitalize etc. These massages make it possible to make a very fine assessment of vitality. The capacities of action on the body and the immediate effects are often surprising. It is a technique that can partially compensate for the inability to exercise.

  • Respiratory hygiene : breathing is the first vital need. However, a majority of people do not take advantage of their respiratory capacities.

  • Phytology : plants, whether in the form of food supplements, essential oils, infusions, decoctions, buds (gemmotherapy) etc. are valuable aids to move more quickly towards a desired goal. Naturopathy is often associated with this technique alone, even though it is only one tool among others. But it is true that nature has placed so many wonderful things at our disposal that it can be exhilarating...

  • reflexology : the action on reflex zones such as the feet has repercussions on the whole body…

Reflexologie plantaire massages cannes
  • Energy and vibration techniques : bach flowers,  magnetism, solar radiation, etc. are all tools whose finer action is often also deeper.

soins énergétiques reiki cannes
  • Environmental techniques : the environment is less and less favorable to health. Knowledge and good habits reduce exposure to pollutants in our environment.

Sometechniques can be completed with other therapists (acupuncturist, osteopath, chiropractor, sophrologist...), structures eqequipment (sauna, gym, etc.) or even specialists in a particular field (yoga, qi gong, theatre, singing, Martial Arts...).

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